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IT MATTERS Fridays-Developing and Sustaining a High Performance Work Team

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As owners of businesses and/or people in Leadership positions at our or someone else's business, we know that our team and their ability to perform at a high level over the longterm is vital to furthering the business's mission, elevating the customer experience, and creating a significant competitive advantage.

According to an article titled "The Wisdom of Teams", a group of experts used evidence-based organizational research to pinpoint defining attributes of high performance team and during the that research they discovered the following characteristics that are strong indicators that hinder teams from obtaining the highest levels of performance which are as follows:

*Nonparticipating Leadership

*Poor Decision-Making

*Infrequent Communication

*Diversity Not Valued

*Lack of Mutual Trust

*Inability to Manage Conflict

*Lack of Goal Clarity and Accountability

*Poorly Defined Roles and Responsibilities

*Negative Atmospheres and/or Work Environments

Thus if you have been noticing a steady decline in the performance of your team, consider these non-functioning team attributes because being proactive rather than reactive provides you the opportunity reroute the course of your business before it becomes too late as poorly performing teams produce poor outcomes and poor outcomes affect the customer experience which negatively impacts the bottomline.

Whether you have an existing team or looking to build one, know that in this competitive business climate both locally and globally the businesses with the best teams own the largest market shares of their respective business categories think Google, Disney, Home Depot, etc.

Prioritize and make a commitment to continuously fine tune your team(s) so they can perform at their highest levels because if you don't you may not be in business for long.

Sustainable High Performing Teams Matters.

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