It Matters Fridays: Cultivating Leaders Within Your Organization

There's a saying that before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others. As a leader or person(s) in leadership positions of an organization whether yours or someone else's, part of your responsibility is to help members of your team continuously grow both professionally and personally.
Often a lot of attention goes into seeking outside candidates for leadership positions in organizations. Overlooked is the opportunity to cultivate leaders from within as for most businesses the competitive advantage isn't the product, services, technology, or systems but rather their people.
In your position of leadership, you should allocate resources and time into cultivating leaders from within as organization's with a higher number of quality leaders can allow your organization to outperform the competition in terms of services, productivity, retainment and recruitment of talent, along with an increased of employee engagement.
Now not everyone is willing to take on the necessary responsibility of being a leader but that shouldn't stop you from cultivating those who have potential and traits that they may or may not be aware.
Part of our responsibility as leaders is to take action to spark inspiration and confidence in our team because if we can help them dream more, learn more, do more then they can become more.
Leaders aren't managers that assign task but people who empower others to produce results. So to truly cultivate leaders within your organization start making bold request that will make individuals in your team that have leadership potential stretch themselves.
As you cultivate and elevate more members of your team into leadership positions, you create the ripple effect of boosting your workplaces morale as people see that there's opportunity for further personal growth and new challenges to conquer.
Become a more competitive organization by cultivating leadership internally thorough the ability to hire people, lift them through the ranks, cultivate their best traits, and guide them towards becoming a highly valued leaders within your company because it matters.
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