It Matters Friday-Your Company's Vision Statement

As a business owner, you operate in an environment of constant change, rapid innovation, global and local competition, and amidst this sea of chaos, your team needs to feel they are sailing in the same direction. This direction or guiding star is your business's vision because without everyone in your business can end up in different destinations.
The business's vision both informs all stakeholders and inspires action. Communicated well it can have the affect of drawing in your team and energizing them to cultivate new ideas and maximize available resources.
Recognize that your business's vision is different than your mission statement. Your mission statement describes what your business will do today while your vision statement will describe what you aspire to accomplish by executing on your mission. For example Zappos mission is to provide the best customer service possible, delivering WOW through service while their vision is to deliver happiness to customers, employees, and vendors.
A Mission gets your team passionate and a Vision guides them in the same direction. Your ability to communicate this vision is a vital component of being a great leader of your business and can impact the future of your business.
The communication of this vision should cause your team to believe and tie their own individual values to this vision. As a leader you want to allow your team to have a great sense of ownership, contribution, and motivate them to offer new ideas and new ways to be of service. Your vision should allow your team to know how important their role is in your business, have a concise understanding of it in order to communicate it to others outside of work in addition to having them feel as if they are apart of something bigger.
If you don't have a vision statement or rather haven't communicated to your team, now is the time to act and communicate it as often as possible especially when interviewing new talent, during on-boarding, and at every team or company wide meeting.
The competition is only getting more fierce and the changing business landscape is creating more turbulence thus without your company's vision statement as a guiding star, your business might not survive these chaotic sea of changes long term. It Matters.
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