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Looking for Industrial Space

Industrial spaces are in high demand as sales for certain industries & businesses are up, speed of delivery is of high importance; less available space. If you're feeling the pressure to just sign a lease quickly upon the first available space to meet your business demands, it's important to pause & really consider the details because now your dealing with operations, logistics, & operation cost. Consider evaluating the following before you sign: What's the cubic SF & clearing height which will have an effect on racking & storage of products. What's the load factor of the flooring because this will have an effect on how much weight can go on the racks & type of equipment that can be used in the space. Is the space layout efficient for operations based on where the loading docks are, column spacing, ability to load & unload, work space area, etc? Based on the space's location, can you provide the level of shipping service for your business (i.e. last mile, same day) & is it easily accessible via freeways, streets; traffic patterns? Is there enough parking for employees plus shipping & delivery trucks to turn in, back up, & turn around to load & unload?


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