What We Do
Helping Small & Midsize Businesses align their business needs & objectives with the commercial real estate they occupy. #entrepreneurship...

CRE Advice Thursdays - Office Space Leasing
When we work with businesses during a Lease Expansion or Renewal Office Space Consultation, we have a discussion about ways to have...

IT MATTERS FRIDAYS: Office Building Outdoor Amenities Matter
Stimulate Creativity Amongst Your Employees By Leasing Space at Office Buildings with Outdoor Amenities. hashtag# hashtag# hashtag#...

Be Informed Tuesdays: Commercial Real Estate Leasing Tips for Small & Midsize Businesses
#tenantrepresentation #fortworthtexas #commercialrealestatetiips #growingbusinesses #midsizebusinesses #leasingofficespace...

Be Informed Tuesdays: Commercial Real Estate Leasing Tips for Small & Midsize Businesses
#smallbusinesstips #commercialrealestate #leasingofficespace #midsizebusinesses #growingbusinesses #commercialrealestatetiips...

Productivity Tips for Dental Office Owners
Here is an great article about culture and leadership for Dental Office Owners. If you see these signs amongst your staff, you should be...
Before You Execute That Commercial Lease
Before you execute that lease, make sure you have addressed and considered your business interests and reduce your liabilities as much as...

Looking for Industrial Space
Industrial spaces are in high demand as sales for certain industries & businesses are up, speed of delivery is of high importance; less...